The relatively compact scale of the Group’s operations, combined with our flat management structure, facilitates excellent communication between the Non-Executive Board and the Executive Leadership Team. This sets the tone for a robust and open governance culture.
The Board understands that the strength of its governance relies on having the right mix of skills and experience around the Boardroom table and ensuring there is continuity in Board membership. The Board conducts a rigorous evaluation of its performance each year and the evaluation is externally facilitated every three years.
The Board is committed to an open dialogue with all stakeholders and considers their views on relevant matters.
Governance framework
The Board of Directors
The Board has ultimate responsibility for the long-term success and sustainability of the business. It approves the Group’s commercial strategy, provides oversight of the Group’s operations to ensure competent and prudent management, sound planning, an adequate system of internal controls, adequate accounting and financial reporting and compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations.
View full list of matters reserved for the Board – here.
The Board’s Inclusion and Diversity Policy for Board and ELT appointments can be viewed here.
The Board has delegated certain matters to the following permanent Committees:
Audit & Risk Committee | Remuneration Committee | Nomination Committee | Environmental and Social Impact Committee (ES Committee) |
Responsible for group accounting and financial policies, disclosure practices, internal controls, internal audit, risk management and the appointment, remuneration and performance of the external auditor. | Responsible for reward and compensation for the Executive Directors, the Chair and senior management. | Responsible for the structure, size and composition of the Board, appointment of new Directors and succession planning for the Board. | Responsible for the Company’s Environmental and Social Impact and any related measures and performance targets and engagement with key stakeholders. |
Read more about our Committees here.
Division of responsibilities
The Board has approved a division of responsibilities between the Chair, Senior Independent Director and Chief Executive Officer. A copy of the document is available here.
Payments to Former Directors
Statements made by the Company in accordance with section 430 (2B) of the Companies Act 2006 are set out below.
John Nicolson