Our wide range of products has been developed from deep consumer insights on areas of concern that require quick and effective relief. These include:
- Robb Original ointment: effective relief from mild muscular aches and pains, nasal congestion and catarrh
- Heatol: fast-acting essential oils which help to offer relief from rheumatic and arthritic pains
- Robb Inhaler: Fast acting Inhaler stick that provides instant relief from nasal congestion and catarrh
- Robb Menthol Sweets: offers soothing relief from sore throats and flu while giving you strong fresh breath through the use of a combination of menthol & peppermint oil.
Robb Tin: Robb 3.5g X 800
Robb Inhaler: Robb 1g X 144
Robb is available in Nigeria
Product Range