Our Investor FAQs
Can I have dividend payments paid direct into my bank or building society account?
Yes. Firstly you need to complete a dividend mandate form to confirm that you wish to receive your dividend payment directly to your bank or building society. You can obtain this form from the registrar and it can also be downloaded direct from the downloadable forms section of Investor Centre.
I arranged to have my dividend payments paid into my bank/building society account but I have now changed the account - what should I do?
Shareholders who have registered with Investor Centre can amend their bank details online. Alternatively, you should contact the registrar.
I have lost the cheque relating to my last dividend payment - can I get a replacement?
Replacement cheque(s) can be obtained by contacting the registrar. You may wish to consider registering your bank account and have the payment made directly into your bank account via BACs.
When will you announce your next results?
You can find details in our Financial Calendar page.
How do I buy and sell shares?
You can buy and sell PZ Cussons ordinary shares through a financial adviser, stockbroker, bank, building society or ‘share shops’ offering the service. These organisations may charge you different commission rates for buying and selling shares. Our registrars also provide a dealing service.
How do I contact your registrars?
If you wish to contact our registrars, for example, to advise them of a name and address change, check dividend payments, or request shareholder certificates, please contact:
Computershare Investor Services PLC
The Pavilions
Bridgwater Road
BS13 8AE
Tel: +44(0) 370 707 1221
Fax: +44(0)370 703 6101
Where can I get an annual report?
You can find the most recent Annual Report and Financial Statements in our News, reports and presentations page orby emailing or writing to the registrar or the company for a copy.
Where are PZ Cussons plc shares traded?
PZ Cussons shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange with the ticker PZC.
When is the next agm?
You can find details in our financial calendar page.
What should I do with my share certificate?
The registrar will issue you with a share certificate stating the number of shares you own. Share certificates are evidence of your ownership and should be kept in a safe place. You will need them if you want to sell all or some of your shares in the future. Share certificates are posted to shareholders at their own risk.
How can I find out the current share price?
You can obtain the current market price of the Company’s shares by going to the share price pageor on the London Stock Exchange website at www.londonstockexchange.com
What should I do if I move house?
If you have registered with Computershare’s Investor Centre you can amend your address and bank details online. Alternatively, you can write to the registrar. In this case please quote both your old and new address and your shareholder reference number.
What should I do if I change my name?
You will need to write to the registrar enclosing a copy of your marriage certificate or other relevant legal document. Unfortunately this change cannot be registered online
What are the procedures if a shareholder has passed away?
If the shares were held solely in the name of the deceased, you should send the registrar an official copy of the document by which the deceased’s legal personal representative was appointed, usually the grant of probate or letters of administration, impressed with the court seal. The name of the legal personal representative will then be entered on the register. The shares can then be sold by the personal representative, or transferred to the deceased’s beneficiary.
If the value of the deceased’s estate is below certain limits, the death can be registered using the small estates procedure, which is less complex. Details of the current limits and the procedure involved can be obtained from the Registrar.
If the shares were held jointly by the deceased and another person, a copy of the death certificate is required. The shares will then be registered in the name(s) of the surviving holder(s), and the relevant share certificates will be amended to reflect this.
I have lost my share certificate – what do I need to do?
If you have lost your share certificate you should report this to the registrar immediately by calling 0370 707 1221. The registrar will update the shareholder register and arrange for a ‘stop’ to be placed on the missing share certificate and issue a form of indemnity. Please check carefully before reporting your share certificate missing as there may be a charge to issue a replacement share certificate and once a share certificate has been reported as lost it cannot be reinstated if it is subsequently found.
I have heard about boiler room scams. What are they and how can I tell if an unsolicited call is genuine?
Share scams are often run from ‘boiler rooms’ where fraudsters cold-call investors offering them worthless, overpriced or even non-existent shares. While they promise high returns, those who invest usually end up losing their money.
Boiler rooms use increasingly sophisticated means to approach investors offering to buy or sell shares in a way that will give investors a huge return. But in the end, victims are often left out of pocket – sometimes losing all of their savings or even their family home.
The Financial Conduct Authority reports that victims of boiler rooms lose an average of £20,000 to these scams, with as much as £200m being lost in the UK each year. Even seasoned investors have been caught out, with the biggest individual loss recorded by the police being £6m.
Find out more about how to protect yourself from share fraud and boiler rooms.
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